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CareerExplorerhas rated electricians with an A- employability rating, which means that the occupation should provide great employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected that 67,000 electricians will be needed in the United States. This number is based on the addition of 59,600 electricians and the retirement of 7,400 existing electricians.
Currently, there are an estimated 666,900 electricians in the United States. The electrician job market is expected to grow by 8.9% between 2016 and 2026.
Considering that almost every building has some form of electricity, the expected increase in new construction will mean further job prospects for electricians. The expected good prospects for this occupation are related to the demand for increasingly complex computerized wiring and the ongoing maintenance of electrical systems.
Continued demand for maintenance of older equipment in manufacturing plants and for emergency electrical repairs after storms and grid bursts creates additional demand. In addition, advances in power generation will require electricians trained in the installation and maintenance of solar and wind technologies.
Connecting these newer sources of energy to homes and the grid will become the responsibility of electricians. In the United States, more than two-thirds of electricians work for electrical contracting companies that supply building contractors. Only about 10 percent choose to be self-employed.
Entry into the field usually follows graduation from a technical school program, completion of an apprenticeship, and passing national and regional electrical code knowledge exams. The specific job prospects of candidates will depend heavily on their skill level, training, experience, and the certifications and licenses they have earned. Certifications in specialized areas such as instrumentation, electrical management and fiber optics will open the door to additional opportunities.
Those who qualify for a master electrician's license will naturally expand their employability in senior positions.
州名 | 受雇电工 |
加利福尼亚州 | 63,060 |
德克萨斯州 | 60,080 |
纽约 | 41,920 |
佛罗里达 | 36,820 |
俄亥俄州 | 24,170 |
伊利诺伊州 | 22,810 |
密歇根州 | 22,780 |
宾夕法尼亚州 | 21,580 |
华盛顿 | 17,730 |
乔治亚州 | 17,330 |
新泽西州 | 16,490 |
弗吉尼亚州 | 15,980 |
马萨诸塞州 | 15,820 |
北卡罗来纳 | 15,680 |
科罗拉多州 | 15,070 |
印第安纳州 | 14,080 |
马里兰州 | 13,070 |
田纳西州 | 11,750 |
路易斯安那州 | 11,470 |
密苏里州 | 11,180 |
威斯康星州 | 11,000 |
明尼苏达州 | 10,790 |
亚利桑那 | 10,400 |
犹他州 | 9,430 |
肯塔基州 | 8,870 |
南卡罗来纳 | 8,850 |
阿拉巴马州 | 8,670 |
俄勒冈州 | 8,360 |
爱荷华州 | 7,990 |
康涅狄格 | 7,070 |
内华达 | 6,310 |
俄克拉荷马州 | 5,970 |
阿肯色州 | 5,730 |
密西西比州 | 5,520 |
堪萨斯州 | 5,320 |
内布拉斯加州 | 4,960 |
新墨西哥 | 4,030 |
爱达荷州 | 3,880 |
西弗吉尼亚 | 3,650 |
北达科他州 | 3,540 |
夏威夷 | 3,470 |
怀俄明州 | 2,240 |
南达科他州 | 2,230 |
蒙大拿 | 2,170 |
新罕布什尔 | 2,150 |
罗德岛 | 1,960 |
特拉华州 | 1,910 |
缅因州 | 1,870 |
阿拉斯加州 | 1,610 |
波多黎各 | 1,420 |
哥伦比亚特区 | 1,190 |
佛蒙特 | 1,080 |
关岛 | 400 |
维尔京群岛 | 110 |
Knoweasy toolsare professional electrician tools that can meet the various needs of electricians when working and effectively improve the efficiency and safety of their work.
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